11 travel blogs from Asia to follow

Header image credit: Thomas Hawk

My friend D inspired me to write a post about travel blogs to follow when she asked for blog recommendation.

I started working on the post about travel blogs I follow and I realized that the majority of the blogs I was going to recommend were not from Asia. So I decided to write a new post to feature some of the blogs from Asia.

How do I define “from Asia”? I don’t have a specific rule but if the blogger is now based in Asia or was from Asia, then I’ll pile them in.

I’m only listing people I follow on a regular basis so if your favorite blogger in Asia is not in, tell me in the comments below.

Fist with rings spelling out B-L-O-G. Image credit Thomas Hawk
Fist with rings spelling out B-L-O-G. Image credit Thomas Hawk

Probably already on your reading list

Solitary Wanderer

site: http://www.solitarywanderer.com/
twitter: @ALEAHphils

You might know Aleah from her famous post “Date A Girl who Travels“. Or if you don’t know her, you might have read the post in one way or another. She’s still being awesome travelling solo so follow her on her trips.

Runaway Juno

site: http://runawayjuno.com/
twitter: @RunawayJuno

Juno was from South Korea but now she’s travelling all over the world. I love how she’s very honest about how her family perceived her travelling lifestyle. She is organizing a conference in KL called Asian Women’s Empowerment conference in November.

The Shooting Star

site: http://the-shooting-star.com/
twitter: @shivya

Besides her travel stories, Shivya shares freelance travel writing tips and travel blogging tips. I love it when pros share their tips.

Should be on your reading list

Walk Fly Pinoy

site: http://www.walkflypinoy.com/
twitter: @walkflypinoy

Paul’s post on how he has money to travel long term is good for anyone who wants to travel more. He also takes very good photos.

The Thrifty Traveller

site: http://thriftytraveller.wordpress.com/

I came across David’s blog when I was doing research for my YQ Conquers Malaysia trips. He’s very detailed about his visits to different towns in Malaysia. If you would like to know more about small town Malaysia, check out his blog. One of his latest post about following the trail of Assassin’s Creed in Istanbul is fascinating because I loved Assassin’s Creed I.

Bloggers I know in real life and are awesome online

The Nomad Damsel

site: http://nomaddamsel.wordpress.com/
twitter: @_thermar

I was there to witness Therese’s first travel blog post. *wipes tear from eyes* She touches on subject that I never thought about writing but should have. For example, squat toilets.

The Traveling Squid

site: http://thetravellingsquid.com
fb: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Travelling-Squid

Phebe travelled in India alone before. I think that should be enough reason to follow her blog. One of her latest post about whether travelling too much is a sign of discontent resonated with me.

If you read Chinese, follow them!

943 (就是省)

site: http://blog.xuite.net/iq943
fb: https://www.facebook.com/943fans

If I have to name a person who pushed me to really do this RTW, it’s 943, a Taiwanese traveller/author/money saver who wrote the book “Round the world with NT$100,000“. I didn’t know that travelling around the world doesn’t require millions of dollars and can be achieved cheaply.

Silvia the traveler

site: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/silvia-huang/

Another Taiwanese blogger, I loved her recent post about how we should wander around responsibly and not impulsively. She also posted a multi-part love story of her and a German boy nicknamed F. I love love stories!

If you read Indonesian,you probably already know her

Trinity, The Naked Traveler

site: http://naked-traveler.com/
twitter: @TrinityTraveler

I learned of Trinity when I bought one of her books. Trinity is now doing a RTW and I love her tweets because they are in digestible chunks of Indonesian. If you are good in Malay and Indonesia, check out her blog.

Do you have favorite travel blogs? Share them in the comment below.

18 thoughts on “11 travel blogs from Asia to follow

    1. Oh no! I am in Singapore now, till the end of the year.
      A travel blogger meet up sounds really excited. (Except I will also have mini panic attacks before the event because of my introversion.) Have fun everyone!

  1. Would love to see you add my Asian travel blog http://www.travelnasia.com to your list, I started this blog while living in Nanning, Guangxi, China (as a Hotmail blog) and it has evolved over time through different URLs to track our travels in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, back to China, Cambodia and more. We live in Australia, which is kind of almost on Asia, at least according to our Prime Minister!

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